Sunday, May 6, 2012

29 Faces Challenge - Day 4: Tattoo Girl

Day 4: The Tattoo Girl

First, thank you to everyone who has been checking out my faces. Your comments mean a lot!

I started this face a couple days ago, added the tattoos earlier today, and have been using the day to finish her in Photoshop. She's one of my personal favorites:) I'm also thinking of writing a short story for her because she seems like she has one...:)

This is my sketch at the beginning.

And here is the finished product:) I'm really impressed with her. She is the best I've done so far since I started using Photoshop.

I'd love to hear what you guys think of her! Thanks!



  1. Hello! Stopping by via your link on the facebook "29 faces" page. I really like her!! She's quite beautiful! This makes me want to try photoshop! :) Nice work, and can't wait to see more!
